
  • 2022-06-29


Withstand aggressive environment

为了抵御恶劣的环境,Axon' Cable提供注塑或包覆注塑件的电缆组件和线束。Axon'的技术可以显著改善整个线缆组件的柔性弯曲寿命、人体工程学、耐高温高压性、防水性和坚固性。

To withstand aggressive environment, Axon' Cable offer cable assemblies and harnesses which are moulded or overmoulded. Axon' techniques allow significant improvements in flexlife, ergonomy, high temperature and high pressure resistance, watertightness and robustness of the complete assembly.




Space and weight saving


Not only round cables but also flat cables can be useful for energy industries. Depending on the construction, Flat cables can save weight but also resist to severe constraints including shocks, vibrations, lifetime and thermal expansion. They can be connected to batteries in very severe environment. Used in solar panels, flat cables have to withstand ultraviolet radiation.




One-stop shop solutions and miniaturization

除了圆形线缆和扁平电缆,Axon' Cable 还提供完整的连接电缆组件,这些防水包覆注塑件的线束可抵抗恶劣环境。
Axon' Cable 设计的电缆组件以 Micro-D 微型连接器端接,特别适用于电缆空间非常有限的工具。尽管尺寸很小,Micro-D 连接器却具有很强的抗冲击和振动能力。
亿讯集团提供完整系列的矩形 Micro-D 连接器:PCB连接器、连接器带线缆、连接器转接头、带条、焊接杯和复杂的多分支线束。对于最苛刻的石油和天然气应用,可提供带滤波连接器、无磁连接器、气密连接器和圆形连接器。
Axon' Cable 还提供用于动态应用的螺旋线,例如,设备的部件可能会受到重复运动的影响。

In addition to round and flat cables, Axon' Cable offers complete connected cable assemblies. These watertight overmolded harnesses resist severe environments.

Terminated with Micro-D miniature connectors, cable assemblies designed by Axon' Cable are particularly well-suited for tools with very limited cabling space. Despite their small size, Micro-D connectors are highly resistant to shocks and vibrations.

The group offers a complete range of rectangular Micro-D connectors: PCB, pigtails, savers, strips, solder cups and complex multi-branched harnesses. For the most demanding oil & gas applications, filtered, non-magnetic, hermetic and circular connectors are available.

Axon' Cable also offers spiral cords for dynamic applications where parts of equipment may be subject to repetitive motions, for example.

