
  • 2022-06-29



高温、辐射、柔韧性、功率传输、压力和振动。这些是油气勘探、钻采、可再生能源以及核能在内的能源行业必须应对的挑战。从一开始的混合线缆连接、螺旋线缆连接、扁平或圆形互连器件的设计,Axon' Cable就考虑到了这些要求。凭借其Micro-D连接器,为用户提供适应苛刻环境的微型互连解决方案。

High temperatures, radiation, flexibility, power distribution, pressure and vibrations. These are challenges that energy industries including oil and gas exploration, renewable energy or nuclear power have to meet. Right from the outset in designing hybrid, spiral, flat or round interconnects, Axon' Cable takes into account these requirements. With its Micro-D connectors, Axon' is able to offer miniature interconnect solutions suited for the most demanding applications.



Extreme operating conditions

油气勘探和钻采需要耐高温。作为氟材料线缆的专家,Axon' Cable提供工作温度-90°C至+260°C温度的设备电线。同时,公司生产的复合电缆,具有出色的耐腐蚀性能(油,溶剂,化学品,磨损等)。

Oil and gas exploration requires resistance to high temperatures. As a specialist in miniaturized fluorinated wires, Axon' Cable offers equipment wires able to resist temperatures from -90°C to +260°C. Composite cables designed by Axon' Cable are made with special insulating materials with outstanding resistance to aggressive environments (oil, solvents, chemicals, abrasion, etc). 



A wide range of products

无论是用于陆地还是海上油气勘探,电缆和互连组件都必须具有高度的耐油、耐化学品和防爆的性能。Axon' 复合电缆在设计和生产中采用聚氨酯,FEP,以及专用不同配方的化合物作为绝缘材,以适应此类恶劣环境。丰富的产品线,包括双绞线,屏蔽线,超柔线,同轴以及功率电缆等,供井下仪器以及油船安防产品用户选择。

Whether it is for land or off shore oil & gas exploration, cables and interconnect have to be highly resistant to oils, chemicals and explosive environments. Designed to endure these conditions, Axon' Cable’s multi-element cables are insulated with materials such as polyurethane, FEP and compounds (e.g. Poliax) formulated by the company’s engineers. Countless cable constructions including twisted pairs, shielded, high-flex, power and coaxial cables can be offered for downhole applications and tanker safety cables.



High temperature and high performance connectors

Axon' 连接器在设计过程中充分考虑了石油勘探的高温和振动等恶劣工作环境。Micro-D系列连接器因其优秀的稳定性和耐高温性能,在石油勘探领域有着广泛的应用。


作为专业互联解决方案的专家,Axon' 始终致力于为客户提供最优质的服务和最可靠的产品。

Axon' connectors are designed with the harsh working environment of oil exploration, such as high temperatures and vibrations in mind. Micro-D series connectors are widely used in oil exploration due to their excellent stability and high temperature resistance.

At the same time, high temperature and high pressure connectors for use in drilling equipment such as mud generators and rotary steerable systems are also being developed.

As specialists in professional connectivity solutions, Axon' always strives to provide customers with the highest quality service and the most reliable products.


