Axon' 高温线

  • 2022-06-29


High temperature resistance

石油和天然气勘探需要耐高温。而Axon' Cable 是微型氟塑料电线的专家,制造用于温度探测的热电偶电缆 ,而且对于在高温下运行的设备,可提供耐 -90°C 至 + 260°C 温度范围的电缆,其中Flexforce™ 柔性电力电缆和电缆组件能够满足风力发电和洋流发电的要求。 从防水圆形电缆到管道加热电缆,都是法国亿讯集团提供的量身定制的解决方案。

Oil and gas exploration requires resistance to high temperatures. Axon' Cable manufactures thermocouple cables for temperature probes. For devices operating at high temperatures, the company, expert in miniature Fluor-based wires, offers cables resistant to temperatures ranging from -90°C to + 260°C. Flexforce™ Flexible power cables and cable assemblies are able to meet requirements of wind power and marine current power. From watertight round cables to pipeline heating cables, the French group offers tailor-made solutions.



Corrosion resistance

Axon' Cable 设计的复合电缆由特殊绝缘材料制成,具有出色的耐腐蚀性环境(油、溶剂、化学品、磨损等), 可以为井下应用提供由双绞线、屏蔽、高柔性、电源或同轴电缆制成的电缆组合。

Composite cables designed by Axon' Cable are made with special insulating materials with outstanding resistance to aggressive environments (oil, solvents, chemicals, abrasion, etc). Combinations of cables made of twisted pairs, shielded, high-flex, power or coaxial cables can be offered for down hole applications.



Radiation resistance

Axon' Cable已经开发出能够抵抗辐射和高温的电线和电缆。采用ETFE和聚酰亚胺等不同材料绝缘,可用于核电厂的仪表、控制和传感器电缆。

Axon' Cable has developed wires and cables able to resist radiation and high temperatures. Insulated with different materials including ETFE and polyimide, they can be used as instrumentation, control and sensor cables in nuclear plants.

