
  • 2021-09-18


其中原子氧(ATOX)腐蚀会对运行高度低于1000km的航天器的外部造成非常严重的损坏。为了应对太空的恶劣环境,Axon' 研发了一种“新型武器”——RadatoxTM,可以大大增强连接方案对恶劣环境的抗性。


The space environment contains multiple risks including radiation, ultraviolet radiation, and impacts from orbital debris, micrometeoroids, and particularly atomic oxygen (ATOX). These space threats are real, mainly for satellites and the International Space Station in Low Earth Orbit (LEO).  Among them, atomic oxygen (ATOX) corrosion can cause severe damage spacecraft exteriors orbiting at less than 1000 km altitude. In order to face the threat, Axon' has developed a “weapon” which makes interconnect links highly resistant: RadatoxTM.


100 times more resistant!

RadatoxTM 是由 Axon' 研发设计的一款绝缘材料,它能使电气互连的抗性比使用 FEP、PTFE 等含氟聚合物材料绝缘的电线高 10 倍。

此外,RadatoxTM对原子氧的耐受性比 Kapton®等聚酰亚胺材料高 100 倍!这种材料有助于延长在太空恶劣环境下执行长期任务的航天器和卫星的预期寿命。

Designed by Axon' engineers, RadatoxTM is an insulating material which makes electrical interconnects 10 times more resistant than wires insulated with fluoro-polymer materials like FEP, PTFE.  Moreover, RadatoxTM is 100 times more resistant to atomic oxygen than polyimide materials such as Kapton®! This material contributes to improve the life expectancy of long-term space missions in the some of the harshest environments.



Flexible and lightweight

RadatoxTM绝缘材料的抗辐照性能特别出色。标称抗辐照200 Mrad的 RadatoxTM 绝缘电线的柔韧性是同级别聚酰亚胺绝缘电线的2倍,因此在空间受限的区域布线更容易。

RadatoxTM在宇航应用的另一个主要优势是节省重量。RadatoxTM绝缘电线的重量是 FEP、PFA 或 PTFE 绝缘电线重量的1/2。锦上添花的是:RadatoxTM绝缘材料的所有性能都已经过公认的独立实验室的测试,包括欧洲航天局在 ESTEC 的专业 ATOX 实验室。

The radiation resistance of RadatoxTM is particularly remarkable because RadatoxTM wires rated to better than 200 Mrad are twice as flexible as polyimide insulated wires, making the cabling easier in space-restricted areas.  Another major advantage for space applications is mass saving. RadatoxTM insulated wires are half the weight of those insulated in FEP, PFA or PTFE. And the icing on the cake: all performances have been tested by recognized and independent laboratories including the European Space Agency’s specialized ATOX lab at ESTEC.


A real threat

在太空环境中,太阳辐射有足够的能量来分解氧分子并产生原子氧 (O)。大量的原子氧存在于 180 km至 650 km的高度,会腐蚀和损坏材料,包括许多聚合物、甚至某些金属,如银。 

位于航天器外部的多层绝缘毯(MLI)、太阳能电池板以及电线和电缆都很容易受到影响。原子氧(ATOX )腐蚀会导致航天器组件的使用寿命缩短,从而也缩减了航空任务执行的时间。因此,原子氧防护是航天工业面临的一项关键挑战。

In space, solar radiation has enough energy to break apart oxygen (O2) molecules and create atomic oxygen (O).  This very abundant particle, particularly present at altitudes from 180 km to 650 km, erodes and damages materials including many polymers and even certain metals such as silver.   Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) blankets, solar panels and wires and cables located on spacecraft exteriors are all susceptible.  ATOX erosion limits the service life of the components and therefore of the mission.  Protection against atomic oxygen is, therefore, a key challenge for the space industry.


 Space heritage

使用 RadatoxTM 绝缘材料的电线和电缆是节省质量和低轨道卫星或受原子氧影响的卫星的理想解决方案。Axon' 还提供符合 ESA ESCC3901/018 和 ESCC3901/024标准的电线。虽然它们对原子氧的抵抗力较低,但足以满足位于最高轨道或较短任务的要求。

 Axon' 已经有20多年深度参与太空项目的经验,一直致力于设计制造专门应用于最恶劣环境的电线、电缆和互连组件。


Wires and cables insulated with RadatoxTM are an ideal solution in terms of mass saving and for satellites in low orbit and/or with long-term missions for which the ATOX impact is extreme.  But Axon' also offers wires qualified according to ESA standards including ESCC3901/018 and ESCC3901/024 with a lower resistance to ATOX but sufficient for missions located in the highest orbits or for shorter missions. Heavily involved in the space industry for over 20 years, the company has been manufacturing wires, cables and interconnects designed for the harshest environments.
