50年前人类第一次登上月球, 这一事件已成为整整一代人的印记。Axon' 的太空漫游是从 1990 年代开始,当时Axon' 第一次为阿丽亚娜发射器提供数据连接方案。从那时起,Axon' 便具备了在这个要求严格且发展迅速的领域中的专业能力。抗辐照、抗原子氧、减轻重量、快速连接和集成,这些太空应用的要求都被Axon' 逐个攻破。
Man walked on the moon for the first time 50 years ago. This event has marked a whole generation .For Axon', the Space Odyssey started in the 1990s with the development of data links for Ariane launcher. Since then, the company has gained expertise in a very demanding and rapidly evolving field. Resistance to radiation, atomic oxygen, weight saving, fast connection and integration, these are the requirements of space applications.
A real nervous system
Axon' 太空冒险之旅始于 1990 年代,那时候Axon' 成功中标Aerospatial公司的阿丽亚娜发射器项目。两家公司的共同合作催生了数据传输互连方案,这些互连方案分布在每个阿丽亚娜发射器中。阿丽亚娜发射器是专门设计用于携带重型有效载荷。
For Axon', the adventure started back in the 1990’s following the successful response to a tender from the Aerospatial company. A common development has given birth to data transmission interconnects which have cabled every Ariane launcher, specially designed to carry heavy payloads.
由 Axon' 电缆构成的互联网络作为神经中枢,确保信息从发射器的“大脑”传输到其所有系统。从通信到飞行命令或电力系统,所有命令都通过这些连接进行传输。因此,它们必须非常可靠,必须能够抵抗非常恶劣的机械和热操作条件。
As a real nervous system, the network made with Axon' cables ensures the transmission of information from the launcher's brain to all its systems. Ranging through from communication to the flight command or electrical power systems, all commands pass through these links. It is therefore essential that they are extremely reliable as they have to resist very severe mechanical and thermal operating conditions.
In the face of the alien threat
阿丽亚娜发射器项目使 Axon' Cable 获得大量的航天领域专业知识。大量卫星配备了由Axon' 制造的连接方案,包括用于电力传输的Bus Bar产品、用于数据传输的 SpaceWire 电缆、用于航天器布线的 ESA 电线或用于雷达系统的微波同轴电缆组件。
This project has enabled Axon’ Cable to acquire a large expertise in the space sector. A large number of satellites are equipped with links manufactured by the company including bus bars for power transmission, SpaceWire cables for data transmission, ESA wires for spacecraft cabling or microwave coaxial cable assemblies for radar systems.
卫星在由辐射、紫外线、轨道碎片、微陨石和原子氧 (ATOX) 组成的恶劣环境中运行。ATOX 腐蚀会对在低于 1000 公里高度运行的航天器外部造成非常严重的损坏。为了应对ATOX的威胁,Axon' 专门研发了抗氧原子电线。
Satellites operate in an aggressive environment consisting of radiation, ultraviolet rays, orbital debris, micrometeorites and atomic oxygen (ATOX). ATOX corrosion can cause very severe damage to spacecraft exteriors orbiting at less than 1000 km altitude. In order to face the threat, Axon' has developed wires resistant to oxygen atomic.
Space expertise and innovation
卫星、太空探测器、科学仪器和漫游车,这些都是 Axon'开发的互连解决方案的实际应用。同时Axon'还积极面对新太空项目的挑战,例如OneWeb低轨卫星星座系。这个开创性的项目涉及快速批量生产卫星。这些航天器重量轻(小于 150 公斤),使用优化数量的组件,需要易于制造和发射。
Satellites, space probes, scientific instruments and rovers, these are examples of applications for which Axon’ develops interconnect solutions. The company also meets challenges of New Space. The OneWeb megaconstellation perfectly illustrates the current trend. This ground-breaking project involves the rapid production of satellites in volume. Lightweight (less than 150 kg), these spacecraft, using an optimized number of components, need to be easy to manufacture and launch.
作为汽车和航空航天工业的长期供应商,Axon' 能够凭借双重专业知识,提供适合该项目的解决方案和工业流程。用于减轻重量的微型连接器和轻型电线、可快速组装的多合一线束等等, Axon' 为该项目提供了诸多创新集成解决方案。
As a long-standing supplier to the automotive and aerospace industries, Axon' has been able, with this dual expertise, to offer solutions and industrial processes adapted to the project. Miniature connectors and lightweight wires for weight saving, all-in-one harnesses with rapid assembling are only a few examples among the innovative integration solutions offered by Axon'.