
  • 2021-09-03

为了保障汽车驾驶安全性,提升驾驶幸福感,越来越多的高科技电子设备被引入到车载应用中。如何在有限的空间内连接所有的设备也成为汽车领域所面临的挑战。因此在为车载应用设计电缆、电缆组件、冲压件和连接器等产品时,Axon' 充分考虑到了可靠性、重量和节省空间等要求。


More and more high tech electronics equip cars for the safety and well-being of car drivers. This is then a real challenge to connect all the devices in reduced space environments. Reliability, weight and space saving are requirements that the Axon' group takes into account to design cables, cable assemblies, stamped parts and connectors for automotive applications.


A Large Range of Interconnects

从扁平电缆到连接器和端子,Axon' 集团能够为汽车行业提供广泛的互连方案。其中包括安全气囊系统、信息娱乐系统、车窗升降器、电源模块或照明等。而这些也只是Axon' 及其姊妹公司Axon' Mechatronics提供的互连解决方案中的一小部分

From flat cables to connectors and terminals, the Axon' group is able to offer a large range of interconnects for the Automotive industry. Airbag systems, infotainment systems, window lifts, power modules or lighting are just a few examples of applications for which Axon' and its sister company Axon' Mechatronics can provide interconnect solutions.


Expertise in Flat Flexible Cables

Axon' 提供的柔性扁平电缆具有安装方便、柔软性强、重量轻等特点,可用于信息娱乐系统、巡航控制、汽车无线电、GPS系统和显示器的连接。间距从0.30 mm到1.25 mm有多种规格,用聚酯或聚酰亚胺材料绝缘的扁平柔性电缆能够满足板对板互连的小型化要求。


Easy to install, flexible and lightweight, the flat flexible cables offered by Axon' are designed to connect infotainment systems, cruise control or car radio, GPS systems and displays. From 0.30 mm to 1.25 mm pitch, flat flexible cables insulated with polyester or polyimide meet the requirements of miniaturization for board-to-board interconnects. 

Axon' 还设计和制造了用于安全气囊中旋转开关连接器布线的扁平电缆和二次成型扁平电缆组件。电源和信号功能可以集成在一根电缆中。


Axon' also designs and manufactures Flat cables and overmoulded flat cable assemblies used for the cabling of Switch Rotary Connectors in Airbags. Power and signals are functions which can be integrated in one single cable.


Expertise in Connectors, Stamped Parts and Terminals

作为冲压、装配、机电一体化、成型和二次成型方面的专家,Axon' mechatronics自主设计和制造冲压件、端子和连接器产品。其产品涵盖范围广泛,包括:传感器连接器、遮光系统连接器、带有压接端子和灌封的连接器、时钟弹簧连接器等等。


As an expert in stamping, assembling, mechatronics, moulding and overmoulding, Axon' Mechatronics, designs and manufactures stamped parts, terminals and connectors. Its expertise covers a large range of products: connectors for sensors, connectors for shading systems, connectors with pressfit terminals and potting, connectors for Switch Rotary Connectors.

Axon' 在法国、匈牙利和拉脱维亚都设立有专门的车载产品制造基地,并获得了全面的质量认证,因此Axon' 能够在保质保量的前提下,提供最优质的互连解决方案。

With manufacturing sites dedicated to automotive in France, Hungary and Latvia and a comprehensive range of quality approvals, Axon' is able to design and build interconnect solutions in terms of quantity and quality.
