Axon'为最新一代Q频段(45 GHz)卫星设计的电缆组件通过欧洲航天局认证

  • 2021-08-27
Axon' 提供一系列高达45 GHz射频电缆组件,并且该系列射频电缆组件已经通过欧洲航天局的ESCC3408/003 认证,进入合格产品清单。这些电缆组件具有卓越的电气特性,简而言之,是在Q频段(45 GHz)运行的通讯卫星天线的理想解决方案。


Axon' provides a range of RF cable assemblies up to 45 GHz which has been QPL qualified by ESA according to the ESCC3408/003 specification. These cable assemblies achieve excellent electrical characteristics. In short, this is an ideal solution for antennae designed for telecommunication satellites operating in the Q band (45 GHz).


A development in partnership with CNES

在法国航天局CNES的支持下,Axon' 完成了这一系列微波同轴电缆组件的研发。对材料的特定选择使Axon' 同轴电缆组件成为市场上最轻的电缆。

The development of this range of microwave coaxial assemblies has been fully achieved by Axon' with the support of the French Space Agency CNES.  The choice of materials makes it the lightest cable on the market. 

该射频电缆组件采用3.4 mm直径的同轴电缆,并选用了swept 90°弯头或直头SMA连接器,具有高耐辐照性(> 300 Mrad)。并且该电缆组件电器性能非常出色,驻波比<1.25,同时在45GHz时插入损耗为3.0 db/m。

Made with a 3.4 mm diameter coaxial cable and terminated with swept or straight SMA connectors, this RF assembly is highly resistant to radiation (> 300 Mrad). Electrical performance in terms of VSWR (<1.25) and insertion losses (3.0 db/m at 45 GHz) achieved by this cable assembly are remarkable.


A large range of microwave coaxial assemblies


为了能应用于地面或机载雷达,航空电子或者军事应用,Axon' 已开发了一系列的微波电缆。Axon' 的工程师专注于根据客户需求的特定频率优化同轴电缆组件产品。

Suitable for either ground-based or on-board radar, for avionic or military applications, Axon' has developed an extensive range of microwave cables.  The company's engineers are focused on optimizing the assemblies for the customer’s specific frequency.


Long-term flight heritage


自90年代初以来,Axon' 一直为阿丽亚娜(Ariane)5型火箭发射器提供数据传输线束,并参与了世界范围内大量的太空项目:包括盖亚(Gaia)在内的科学卫星、Proba-V或Sentinel在内的地球观测卫星,以及美国宇航局火星漫游者“好奇号”等等。

Axon' has been providing data transmission harnesses for the Ariane 5 launcher since the early 90’s, and is involved in an impressive number of space projects worldwide.  Scientific satellites including Gaia, earth observation satellites including Proba-V or Sentinel, not to mention Curiosity, NASA’s iconic Martian Rover, and the list goes on. 

Axon' 还为罗莎琳德·富兰克林漫游者号(Rosalind Franklin Rover)进行了所有主要的布线工作,为欧洲航天局(ESA)和俄罗斯航天局(Roscosmos)前往火星的探测任务做好准备。

Axon' has also carried out all the main cabling on the Rosalind Franklin Rover –  ready for the forthcoming ESA/Roscosmos mission to the red planet.
