
  • 2021-08-20

Axon' 已经更新《低烟无卤电缆》产品手册,增加Poliax-HT的内容,Poliax-HT是一种能够抵抗150℃高温的新型绝缘材料。Poliax-HT绝缘材料丰富了Axon' 的低烟无卤系列产品线,其中已经包括可承受高达250℃高温的电缆。

Axon' has updated the brochure dedicated to Low smoke halogen free cables by adding Poliax-HT, a new insulation material able to resist temperatures up to 150°C. Poliax-HT solution extends Axon' offer, which already includes cables that can withstand temperatures up to 250°C.

此次更新还增加了关于认证测试的参数,以及新的技术数据。充分展现了Axon' 在适用于恶劣环境的无卤素电缆方面的专业知识。

Additional information about qualification tests as well as new technical data illustrate Axon' expertise in halogen free cables for harsh environments.



In public places, buildings, trains, subways, ships as well as industrial facilities, electrical cables have to work whilst maintaining a high level of security of people and material.In case of fire, the electrical cables shall not cause the fire or spread it. They shall not emit impenetrable, toxic or corrosive fumes that could damage equipment or harm people.

Axon' 低烟防火电缆的设计满足以下要求:

Axon' low smoke and fire cables have been designed to meet the following requirements :


Non-propagation of flame and fire;


Low or no emission of fumes to allow the rescue team to work without visibility problems;


No emission of toxic fumes to assure the security of the people detained in the premises affected by the fire;


No emission of corrosive fumes to save equipment and buildings not affected by the fire;


Safe and Tough

低烟无卤电缆的设计目的是在封闭空间发生火灾时避免火势蔓延和有毒烟雾的排放。目前市场上有许多解决方案,但Axon' 的电缆在满足无卤特性的同时兼具优良的耐化学性和耐辐射等特性。


Low smoke halogen free cables have been designed to avoid propagation of fire and emission of toxic fumes in case of fire in enclosed spaces. Many solutions exist on the market but Axon' combine halogen-free properties with a very good resistance to chemicals or radiation for example.

根据绝缘材料的不同,Axon' 的低烟无卤电缆可以承受高达 250℃的高温,同时保持优良的电气性能。Axon' 的专业还体现在可以根据客户的具体应用,选择合适的材料优化电缆的设计。

Depending on the insulating material, they are designed to resist up 250°C while maintaining very good electrical performance. Axon' expertise also consists in selecting the appropriate materials and optimizing the design of the cable to customer’s application.


Proven Quality

Axon' 提供的无卤素解决方案已经通过第三方独立实验室的评估,符合国际和法国标准要求的安全性和性能。测试包括卤素含量(IEC 60754-1)、低毒性排放(IEC 60754-2, NF X 70-100)和烟雾密度(IEC 61034-2, NF X 10-702, NF F16-101)。

The halogen-free solutions offered by Axon' have been evaluated by independent laboratories to ensure safety and performance according to international and French standards. The tests include halogen content (IEC 60754-1) low toxicity of emissions (IEC 60754-2, NF X 70-100), and smoke density (IEC 61034-2, NF X 10-702, NF F16-101). 
