
  • 2021-08-13

从航空航天、轨道交通、工业、电动汽车到能源存储等领域,从高数据速率、高温、减重、微型化、电磁保护、到耐恶劣环境等性能需求,Axon' 致力于为各行业提供专业的互联解决方案,以满足客户对微型高可靠性组件的需求。Axon' 在电缆、连接器和微型接触端子等方面都有领先的专业技术。

From aerospace, rail transit, industrial, electric vehicles to energy storage, from high data rates, high temperature, weight and space savings, electromagnetic protection, and harsh environment performance, Axon' offers interconnecting solutions to meet customers' needs for miniature and reliable components in various industries. Axon' has expertise in cables, connectors and micro contacts.


Ultra-fast connection and modularity

除了常规Micro-D连接器,Axon' 还开发了配备快速锁定系统的微型连接器,为客户提供了更多的选择。新系列的Micro-D产品配备了D-Click快速锁定系统,客户能够在那些受空间限制不能使用安装工具的系统中应用Micro-D产品。

In addition to its range of micro-D connectors, Axon' has developed miniature connectors equipped with a user-friendly latching system which gives greater flexibility to customers. A new range of Micro-D products equipped with the D-Click fast latching system allows customers to use the Micro-D technology in space-constrained systems where access to the connectors is difficult. 


同时Axon' 公司还研发了Versatys®,一种用于航空领域的紧凑型电源连接器。与D-Sub电源连接器相比,Versatys®连接器可以更有效的节省空间和减轻重量。该系列连接器具有线路(端子和电线)可替换的特点,客户可以根据需求定制自己的连接器。Versatys®连接器也可选配D-Click快速锁定系统。这两种新型连接器都不需要安装工具,可以有效的节省时间。

The company has also engineered Versatys®, a new concept of compact power connectors for space applications. Compared with power D-Sub connectors, this new range of connectors gives rise to substantial space and weight saving. With interchangeable lines (power contacts and wire), users can customize their own connectors.  Versatys® connectors can optionally also be equipped with the fast-latching D-Click system.  Both innovative connector types generate real time savings as no tooling is required for this operation.


Electromagnetic protection


Any electronic system can both disturb and be disturbed by the creation of EMI. Poor electromagnetic protection of a device can also have very serious consequences not only upon communication and navigation systems but also upon electrical cables and interconnect which are often the first systems being affected by EMI, and which in turn transmit the problem into their systems.

所以,不仅是电缆,整个互连系统都需要有良好的抗EMI性能,这样通信和导航系统才能在电子设备中正常工作。从电缆到连接器和电缆组件,Axon' 都可以提供最佳的电磁兼容(EMC)解决方案。

Not just the cables but the whole interconnect system has to be protected against EMI so that communication and navigation systems can play their role in the electronic devices. From the cable to the connector and the cable assembly, Axon' will offer the most appropriate EMC solution.



Interconnects for severe environment

耐液体或化学物质侵蚀、高温、辐射,这些恶劣的应用环境都是Axon' 所面临的技术挑战。Axon' 针对这些恶劣的应用环境选用不同的绝缘材料,如ETFE、Axon' 研发的特殊热塑性化合物、辐照聚烯烃、聚氨酯(TPU)和聚酰亚胺等。因此Axon' 的高科技电缆能够满足要求最苛刻的应用,包括航空航天应用、科研应用和粒子探测器等。

Resistance to fluids or chemicals, high temperatures, radiation, these are some examples of technological challenges Axon' can meet. Insulated with different materials such as ETFE, special thermoplastic compounds designed by Axon' Cable, irradiated polyolefin, polyurethane (TPU) and polyimide, our high-tech cables are able to meet the most demanding applications including  aeronautics, space applications or research centres and particle detectors.


例如,Diablax是由Axon' 的工程师开发的一种新型绝缘材料,可以使电线和电缆在300°C的高温环境中持续工作。这也是市场上唯一一种能在此高温下持续工作长达2年时间的塑料材料。

Diablax is for example a new insulating material developed by our engineers to improve the thermal resistance of wires and cables up to 300°C in continuous conditions. This is the only plastic material on the market able to continuously resist this temperature for 2 years.  
