Axon' has developed cables and connectors for SpaceWire interconnects, allowing reliable transmission of data at high speed (between 2 Mb/s and 400 Mb/s) between on-board devices in spacecraft. Axon' SpaceWire cables and assemblies are approved to ESCC-E-50-12C. The cabling has been optimized in order to reduce the mismatching and crosstalk between lines at the maximum. The use of Celloflon®, expanded PTFE developed by Axon' allows for low sizing, higher speed and fewer losses.
Axon' has developed low mass SpaceWire which is the only one qualified to the ESCC3902/004 standard. It can be up to 50% lighter than standard versions, with improved flexibility, bend radius, radiation resistance and EMC performance!
在航天领域中,其应用的产品标准和技术要求通常都是极其严苛的,可以说是最尖端的技术领域之一。 Axon' 作为全球领先的电缆产品供应商,对于这种特殊而尖端的科技领域,有其独特的技术优势和应用经验。
Axon' 设计研发的SpaceWire线束不仅重量轻、结构紧凑,能有效节省空间,并且具有抗振动、耐冲击、柔韧性高等机械性能, 能够忍受极端温度和辐射等恶劣的太空环境。为了最大限度地减少线路间的不匹配和串扰, Axon' 对SpaceWire布线进行了优化,使其具有优良的抗电磁干扰性能,符合抗EMC标准及电磁屏蔽标准。其数据传输速率可高达400Mb/s。
此外,Axon' 基于在航天电子领域的长期经验,研发出适用这一领域应用环境的Micro-D连接器和组件。 将Micro-D设计与能够可靠传输信号、电源和高速数据的需求相结合,为太空中的各种应用定制解决方案。
Axon' 航天级产品的都是在10万级无尘车间生产和组装的,已经通过ESCC-Q-ST-70-08、ESCC-Q-ST-70-26的标准认证, 并成功应用在多项太空项目中,如:载人飞行的国际空间站、各种卫星计划(包括LEO卫星和GEO卫星)、火箭发射器(如Ariane 5)。