
  • 2022-01-17

Axon' 中国自2016通过AEO(Authorised Economic Operator)认证,目前已经通过审核成为中国海关进出口系统认可的高级认证企业。该认证简化了企业相关进出口产品的报关流程,保证了Axon'中国的货物可以快速通关。同时,也是公司用实际行动践行Axon'集团在持续提高客户满意度方面的承诺。

Axon' China which was already approved as an Authorised Economic Operator(category A) since 2016 has been officially moved to AA category in the China customs import/export system. This status enables Axon' China to receive and send goods more rapidly as customs procedures are simplified. This label illustrates the group commitment in continuously improving customer satisfaction.



Time saving

对于Axon' 中国来说,AEO高级认证企业是一项实实在在的便利条件。Axon' 中国进出口的货物,可以减免繁琐的单证材料,做到简化,快速通关,确保了供应链的交付稳定,工厂稳定生产,以保证承诺的货期,并且降低了通关时间和相关费用。与此同时,海关为认证企业设置了专门的协调专员,针对加工贸易也取消了银行担保的要求。在所有相互承认AEO的国家,涉及到我司的清关工作都会相应更加便捷。

Being AEO - AA category – is a real asset for Axon' China. Import or export goods are inspected and released before determining the commodity classification, customs valuation, place or origin or other customs formalities: time and money are saved. Other time-saving factors : the China customs established a coordinator for the company. No need of a bank deposit when a company is engaged in processing trade. Customs clearance is made easier by the customs of countries where AEO is mutually recognized.


Safe and secure business

AEO是基于海关与企业之间的自愿合作伙伴关系。在国际贸易中,AEO高级认证相当于给企业贴上了一个金字招牌,标榜着企业在安全生产,贸易合规,信用保证等各个方面的卓越落实情况。通过高级认证,是对Axon' 中国在质量和安全体系方面的认可,更是公司跻身全球供应链企业的优势体现。

The AEO concept is based on a voluntary Customs-to-Business partnership.  AEO status enables any company which is involved in international trade to obtain a quality label about customs, safety and security processes implemented in the organization.  The AEO status guarantees the recipient that the international supply chain implemented by Axon' is based on a proven Quality and Security-safety system.

除了Axon' 中国之外,Axon' 集团还有另外几家子公司通过了AEO认证,分别是Axon'法国(总部),Axon' 印度分公司以及Axon' 匈牙利分公司。

In addition to Axon' China, 4 other Axon' companies are AEO certificed : Axon' Cable France, Axon' Interconnectors and Wires PVT and the Dhruv Joint Venture Axon' Interconnect Ltd in India, and Axon' Kábelgyártó Kft in Hungary.
