Axon'互连方案: 小且可靠

  • 2022-01-11

小型化!是Axon' 集团业务的关键主题之一。在电子电器,汽车工业,航空电子,宇航项目以及国防工业等高科技领域,Axon' 将小型化的要求贯彻到从端子,连接器,到线束以及扁平线的设计和生产中。

Miniaturisation! This is the main topics chosen by the Axon' group. Axon' integrates requirements of miniaturisation in the design and manufacture of contacts, connectors, cable assemblies and flat flexible cables destined to high tech applications including electronics, automotive, avionics, space, defense, etc. 



Even smaller connectors

连接器端子插针由10股导体绞合而成,与插孔匹配过程中,凸起部分被压缩,从而保证针孔端子之间的可靠接触以及最大接触面积。麻花针是Axon' 微矩型连接器的(Micro-D)的核心,连接器端子间距1.27mm,是传统D-Sub连接器的1/2。同时,Axon' 还提端子间距为0.635mm的超微矩型连接器(Nano-D)。这些产品旨在满足更具挑战性的环境,包括航空电子、国防、航天或石油勘探领域。

These male Micro-D contacts made up of 10 strands of copper alloy are compressed during insertion into the female contact and therefore a high number of electrical contact points is permanently assured. Twist Pin contacts is the heart of a large range of Micro-D connectors designed and manufactured by Axon' . The spacing between each contact inserted into the connector is 1.27 mm, twice as small as D-Sub connectors. Axon' also offers nano-D connectors with contact spacing of 0.635 mm. These products are designed to meet the most challenging environment including avionics, defense, space or oil exploration.



Strength through unity

微矩型连接器(Micro-D)是Axon'集团提供的众多连接器中的一种。Axon' Mechatronics 是集团子公司之一,专门从事汽车电子相关领域的冲压零件、多次注塑成型部件、机电一体化元器件的设计及生产。Axon' 采用的鱼眼端子(Pressfit)技术针对相关的连接器和印刷电路板的设计。该技术不需要焊接即可完成端子和PCB的可靠连接。Axon' 利用巧妙的电致伸缩技术制造出平滑的曲面触点,在机电一体化产品的装配工艺种具备显著优势。

 Micro-D connectors are only a part of the large range of connectors the Axon' group can offer. Axon' Mechatronics specializes in stamping parts, overmoulded components, mechatronics components for electronics and automotive. Axon' uses the Pressfit technology which is particularly suited to the design of connectors and printed circuit boards. This technique allows for integrating contacts without soldering. Axon' uses a clever electrostriction technology to manufacture contacts with smooth and spherical tips, which is a significant advantage for mechatronics projects.


