Axon' 医疗产品

  • 2022-03-30


Challenge of Medical market

Axon' 生产的电线、电缆、电缆组件、微导管和扁平电缆旨在满足医疗市场的严苛要求。包括生物相容性,灭菌消毒环境,小型化,产品外观,电磁兼容,抗菌性能,以及医患使用的便携性。

Axon' manufactures wires, cables, cable assemblies, PTFE tubing and flat flexible cables designed to meet severe constraints of the medical markets. Including biocompatibility, sterilization and disinfection environment, miniaturization, product appearance, electromagnetic compatibility (EMI), antibacterial performance, and portability for doctors and patients.


Cable assembly

医疗器械制造商需要同时设计整个系统,使产品适用于消毒环境。从互连链路的初始设计开始,Axon' 不仅在选材上,同时在注塑和二次成型工艺中都考虑到了这一要求。为了更便于消毒清洁,Axon' 的医用电缆和电缆组件均选用满足生物相容性要求的材料,例如硅胶,或其他热塑性材料。

The manufacturers of medical devices must design their systems so as to be perfectly sterilisable. Right from the initial design of interconnect links, Axon' takes into account this requirement not only in the choice of materials but also in the techniques of moulding and overmoulding. In order to make the cleaning or sterilization easier, Axon' medical cables and cable assemblies are insulated with biocompatible plastics materials, silicone or thermoplastic elastomers.




作为二次成型技术的专家,Axon' 提供完全密封的电缆组件,以防污染。二次成型和电缆之间的完美粘合在机械上保护组件并保证电缆寿命。

As an expert in overmoulding techniques, Axon' offer cable assemblies perfectly sealed to contaminations. A perfect adherence between the overmoulding and the cable mechanically protects the assembly and guarantees the cable life.

Axon' 开发的Nosofree®抗菌组件系列旨在帮助减少交叉污染。Axon'将银离子(以其抗菌和抗真菌特性而闻名)添加到用于组件护套和二次成型的聚合物中。

The range of Nosofree® anti-bacterial assemblies developed by Axon' has been developed to help reduce cross-contamination. Axon' adds silver ions, known for their antimicrobial and anti-fungus properties, into the polymers used for the jacketing and the overmoulding of assemblies.




Axon' 制造的超薄PTFE管具有生物相容性和抗菌性,具有超光滑和自动润滑的表面,可轻松插入手术工具。

Biocompatible and antimicrobial, the ultra thin PTFE tubes made by Axon' have an ultra smooth and auto lubricant surface for an easy insertion of surgical tools.



Miniature wires and cables

为了满足医疗超声成像中微型化需求和数据传输的可靠性,Axon'开发了微同轴电缆,称为PICOCOAX®,直径从0.65 mm到0.20 mm,电容从50到100 pF/m。

To meet both miniaturisation demands and reliability of data transmission in medical ultrasound imaging, Axon' has designed a full range of miniature and flexible miniature cables called PICOCOAX® with diameters from 0.65 mm to 0.20 mm and capacitances from 50 to 100 pF/m.



Flat flexible cable

Axon' 提供扁平柔性电缆,用于医疗显示设备内,板对板以及板对显示屏之间的连接。扁平柔性电缆体积小且易于使用,与 ZIF 和 LIF 连接器兼容。

Axon' offers flat flexible cables for board-to-board interconnection and for board to display interconnections for flat displays of medical devices. Small and easy to use, flat flexible cables are compatible with ZIF and LIF connectors.

