
  • 2022-03-15


Solve challenging problems

Axon' 凭借着自身在高压电缆组件方面的多年经验,能为挑战性应用提供定制的解决方案,包括海底作业、宇航应用、核聚变与研究、 国防军工、石油天然气勘探等。

With many years experience in high voltage cables and assemblies, Axon' is able to offer tailor-made solutions for a range of challenging applications. These include subsea operations, space applications, nuclear fusion and research, aerospace and defense, and oil and gas exploration and more.



High quality materials with outstanding features

Axon' 的互连解决方案采用最高级别的热塑性材料。之所以选择这种材料,不仅基于电气要求,还需要考虑操作环境,包括低释气、高低温、辐照强度、电缆的连续长度、机械强度,以及产品的使用寿命。

Axon’ interconnect solutions are designed from the highest grade thermoplastics. The choice of materials depends not only on electrical requirements, but also on operating and environmental conditions, including low outgassing, cryogenic temperatures, temperatures up to 280°C, radiation with a total ionizing dose up to 70MGy, continuous long length cables, high mechanical resistance, and greater than 25 years of lifetime.



High voltage test capabilities, environments and analysis tools

Axon' 运用专业的测试设备和分析工具,保证产品从前期研发,试样验证到批量生产整个过程的可靠性。测试设备类型主要有高压电源和法拉第笼、AC发电机、高压便携式直流电压电源等等。测试环境包括低压室、加热炉、加热水箱、与客户规格相关的特定老化条件。

Axon' expertise and test devices include high voltage tests from development through qualification to industrialization. The types of test devices mainly include high voltage  supply & Faraday cage, AC generator, high-voltage portable DC voltage power supplie, and more. Test environment includes low pressure chambers, thermal oven, heated water tanks, and specific ageing conditions related to customer’s specifications.

Axon' 使用局部放电这种分析工具来鉴定高压互连系统,IEC 60270定义的局部放电是:在高电场强度下,电绝缘系统的局部区域中的局部介电放电。这种现象在许多情况下是绝缘完全击穿的初步阶段。

Axon’ uses partial discharge analysis tools to identify high voltage interconnection systems. Partial discharges, as defined by IEC 60270, are localized dielectric discharges in a partial area of an electrical insulation system under high electrical field intensity. This phenomenon is in many cases the preliminary stage to a complete breakdown of the insulation. 

