
  • 2021-08-07

Axon' 成功研发了D-click快速锁定连接器,使得Axon' 高可靠性Micro-D系列连接器的品类更加丰富。 D-Click系列连接器配备了快速匹配和锁定系统,可以在装配线束时进行更快速的安装。

Axon' has enlarged their range of highly reliable Micro-D connectors by developing D-Click fast latching connectors. Equipped with an easy-to-use mating and latching system, this range of Micro-D connectors enables a much faster installation during harness integration.

D-Click系列连接器配备了快速锁定系统,具有无需安装工具快速匹配锁定的优点。 尤其适用于有空间限制的应用,省时且可靠性高。目前该系列连接器已经通过欧洲航天局ESCC3401/091的标准认证并且应用在超级星座卫星中。

The Micro-D D-Click range are equipped with a quick locking system that requires no tools. The advantage is clear: connect with one click. This range is particularly suitable for confined spaces. Time saving for integration and reliability are the key words of these connectors.

This range have passed ESCC3401/091 standard certified by ESA and have been used in super constellation satellites.

D-Click 系统如何工作?— 快速连接/断开
How does the D-Click system work?A very quick connection / disconnection


- Latch-posts on one connector serve as guide pins into the shell of the mating connector, on which two latch springs then trap the waisted latch-posts for a very fast and reliable connection.


- Just squeeze the D-Click latch springs together to disconnect.

为什么选择快速锁定 D-Click连接器?


 No hardware and no tooling required for the connection: timesaving solution for harness integration.

标准Micro-D连接器到 D-Click连接器的无缝替换: PCB板的布局或安装面板的开孔都无需变更;

 Very easy to move from standard Micro-D technology to D-Click connectors: no mechanical changes required to either the PCB layout or to the equipment panel cut-outs.

D-Click 快速锁定系统可以使那些受空间限制很难使用安装工具的系统更便捷地应用Micro-D连接器。

 The D-Click latching system can make it easier to use Micro-D technology in systems where gaining access with tools could be difficult.


These low-insertion-force connectors equipped with Twist Pin contacts meet all the standard performance requirements of MIL-DTL-83513.


The D-Click latching system has been tested according to an ESA-based qualification test plan and is particularly specified by integrators of satellite mega-constellations, for example, where integration time is of the essence.

除了标准的 D-Click连接器和组件,Axon' 还能够根据客户的需求开发定制解决方案。这种高水平的垂直集成使Axon' 能够提供完整的解决方案,满足航空、航天、军事、工业和海洋作业的需求。

In addition to the standard range of D-Click connectors and assemblies, Axon' is able to develop custom solutions tailored to your needs. This high level of vertical integration enables Axon' to offer complete solutions which meet the demanding requirements of the aeronautics, space, military, industrial and off-shore market.
