
  • 2021-11-18

Axon' 的工业活动对环境有什么影响?这是Axon' 一年来一直试图回答的问题。目的是确定制成品的生命周期,以限制其对环境的影响。

What is the impact of my industrial activity on the environment? This is the question that Axon' and a dozen other companies in the region have been trying to answer for a year. The aim is to define the life cycle of manufactured products in order to limit their impact on the environment. This is a voluntary approach promoted by the Grand Est region and the French ecological transition agency ADEME, which is based on ISO 14001. To support companies, the region has set up a collective support program called CYVISO 14001. This study already provides answers that will impact the design of Axon' interconnect links and connectors.



Quantifying to act


With the CYVISO approach, the aim is to define the life cycle of manufactured products and estimate their impact on the environment. This involves the traceability of raw materials, the choice of supply, upstream or downstream transport, each stage of production, the choice of packaging and the disposal of the product.  After selecting a cable representative of the different stages of production, Axon' was able to quantify the impact of its activity on the environment after one year of study. 



Eco design


Axon' reduces the environmental impact of these products by collecting and analyzing accurate data of raw materials and production processes. Engineers should think, "What materials should be selected for customers to make cables meet customers' needs with minimal impact on the environment?" Therefore, Axon' integrates environmental protection into product development and design. This is a process of encouraging environmental innovation and providing customers with quality products.



Eco consume


Axon' thinks that accurately defining the life cycle of manufactured cables and connectors is beneficial to its environmental protection. Let customers know the future of products and provide reusable solutions, such as the possibility of reducing the thickness of insulation layer, and at the same time guarantee the quality of products to customers.
